Health & Security
In a new/foreign environment, health assumes primary importance for all and students form no exception. In fact, students are a high-risk group since they are being subjected to academic pressures simultaneously as they cope-up with the cultural and social changes, all of which creates mental stress. At instances when the coping mechanisms fail to carry them over this gorge, they are in need of urgent medical or expert psychological attention. Considering these valid factors, we have endeavoured to focus more on their mental health needs rather than physical health. Some resources to be used in case of sexual assault and some links for medical insurance solutions are also included here.

Canadian Mental Health Association
British Columbia Division
Suite 905 - 1130 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4

This website by the Canadian Mental Health Association brings to light the various facets of mental health and offers required support.

311 - 409 Granville St
Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2
(604) 620 0744
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
Your Local Crisis Line: 310-6789
The Alcohol & Drug Info & Referral Service: 1-800-663-1441 (toll-free in BC)

Distress Line Numbers
Greater Vancouver: 604-872-3311
Toll-Free: 1-866-661-3311
1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
The Crisis Centre of BC works to provide education and training to respond to crisis and suicide.
They have impacted many through their three core services;
24/7 Distress Phone Services
Online Distress Services
Community Learning and Engagement

Visitors to Canada Medical insurance